Birmingham Tech Week | Keeping Gender on the Agenda

16 October 2020


Pat Crossley-Smith, who won Best Digital Lead Award at the Women in Tech Awards 2019, will be joining the panel at Birmingham Tech Week on the 16th October at 10:15am BST in the panel session ‘Why women in tech are being photoshopped rather than hired’ to discuss ‘keeping gender on the agenda’.

Today fewer than 20% of IT roles are filled by women and only 5% of leadership positions. There has never been such an important time for more women to be involved in technology, with advertised roles in the digital tech sector growing 36% since June and the government seeing digital skills set to be the driving force in the economy. The session will have a 30 minute panel discussion covering a range of topics including:

• Carving out a career in tech
• Tackling a “bro culture” in tech
• Encouraging women from all backgrounds into tech
• What needs to be done to support the tech leaders of the future?
• Do women in tech need to build networks of their own?
• The recognition and importance of role models.

This will be followed by a Q&A. Register here to secure your spot.