A full service transformation partner for defence
Methods has worked continually with a number of the TLBs and many of the defence agencies across a wide range of projects and programmes.
We are accredited to undertake classified work and currently we are actively engaged on a wide range of complex projects that will enhance digital capabilities and use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence in the defence context. We are working on some of the latest equipment programmes for all three forces, assisting their longer term digital and data needs and enabling cross silo working wherever possible.
Methods has particular strength in depth in security and cyber security. We have a large number of permanent staff ready to support you and we continue to invest in our cyber security and related offerings.
How can we help?
Methods has a market-leading set of skills for defence clients: we have a long history and pedigree in understanding the defence sector and its unique challenges, combined with an inherent competence in supporting organisations transform to new digital methods and techniques, whilst working in a secure way.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent… It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”
Charles Darwin
Some of our previous work
People Survey
Methods is developing a natural language processing (NLP) and algorithm-based reporting solution to handle large volumes of complex survey responses for a Defence client. The system automated previously manual processes for dealing with structured data as well as adding new capability to construct analysis based on free-form text responses. The system is used to support the client’s work to improve and develop both staff and their environment and conditions.
Data Analytics Service
A defence client needed to design, develop and implement a self-service reporting capability to provide analysis of key business data sets across the organisation. Already experienced and adapted to using Agile development methodology, they needed help building this as a Data and Analytics service to bolster internal development capacity and capability, and to meet the ambitious scope as outlined in their 2020 IT strategy. This also involved moving toward a Microsoft Azure cloud analytics platform with development requiring this technical architecture in mind.