Thought leadership and insight to explore in your own time

Methods podcasts

Episode 18 | From Armed Forces to cyber security

This engaging conversation explores the adjustments required when transitioning from the structured military environment to the corporate world, offering valuable perspectives on how organisations can support veterans and leverage their unique expertise to drive process improvements and foster an inclusive culture.

Recorded 5th June 2024


Episode 17 | Embrace Equity

Today we are celebrating International Women’s Day! This year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity – where equity is not just a nice-to-have, but a must-have. This podcast discusses embracing equity, delving into the themes raised in ‘Invisible Women’ by the award-winning campaigner and writer Caroline Criado Perez, who provides a startling perspective on the unseen bias at work in our everyday lives.

Recorded 17th February 2023


Episode 16 | Looking back at 2022

A whistle stop tour of 2022 at Methods! Reflecting on the role of cyber, our social value endeavours, sustainability drives, and delivering a customer first approach.

Recorded 6th December 2022

Episode 15 | The enduring legacy of Ada Lovelace

Inspired by Ada Lovelace day, our 3 participants take a look at the extraordinary life of Ada, discussing how women today can benefit from greater exposure to careers in STEM and develop the employability skills to follow this path.

Recorded 26th September 2022

Episode 14 | Neurodiversity

This podcast challenges some of the myths that surround neurodiversity as our participants discuss the positive impact being neuro diverse can have in the workplace, the importance of looking at the strengths of neuro diverse people, and the range of approaches different brains bring to the table. With the neuro diverse population at around 1 in 8 – this is an important and eye-opening conversation.

Recorded 29th June 2022

Episode 13 | The Digital Divide

#FixTheDigitalDivide is the key message of Good Things Foundation – Methods’ charity partner of the year. To understand more what fixing the digital divide means in society today, this podcast discusses how the pandemic has created a deeper divide as more organisations sought to move services online, and asks whether we should push ahead with digital transformation, if by so doing we create further exclusions.

Recorded 27th April 2022

Episode 12 | Responsible leadership

Our 4 participants discuss what they think makes a ‘responsible leader’ – touching on different leadership styles, the responsibility of role models, the theory of leadership, and how a responsible leader should live by the standards they set.

This podcast raises the question of whether great leaders stand the test of time, or whether sometimes a ‘season’ leader is all that is required.

Recorded 13th April 2022

Episode 11 | Leading digital transformation – why women do it so well

To celebrate International Women’s Day, six inspirational women who have successfully forged their careers in somewhat historically male dominated environments, come together to reflect on the joint vision to do public services better, and the need to have the right organisation and cultural change in place, which works when ‘action centered leadership’ is adopted.

Recorded 24th February 2022

Episode 10 | Setting priorities, expectations and boundaries as a single parent

Our 3 participants discuss the themes of sustainability, invisibility and opportunity as they navigate bringing up children as single or solo working parents.

This is an eye-opening listen, full of relatable stories that bring home the unique challenges faced by single and solo parents.

Recorded 9th December 2021

Episode 9 | Design for Local Government

The power of design is well documented and evidenced across the board. We’ve seen central government transform over the last decade, but this change has not filtered through to local government in the same way. This podcast explore how the structures and governance of local government actively resist the adoption of design approaches, and discuss how we begin to clear the way for design and digital.

Recorded 11th November 2021 at Innovation Week

Episode 8 | Celebrating Black history month

Throughout October we are celebrating Black History Month. Join Mike Raphael, Trudy Beharry and Jadene Aderonmu to hear how they navigated being black whilst growing up and forging careers in the UK. This podcast will make you laugh and cry, and highlights the diversity of experience of black people in the UK.

Recorded 21st September 2021

Episode 7 | Is low-code the future?

Local authorities across the UK have begun exploring the benefits, but few are currently making the most of low code platforms. Mike Holmes joins Matt Culpin to discuss the benefits of low code platforms in the public sector and examine the considerations and requirements of widely adopting and integrating a low code approach. An insightful discussion for anyone considering the adoption of a low code platform.

Recorded 21st September 2021

Episode 6 | World Youth Skills Day

Acknowledging World Youth Skills Day, our latest podcast highlights the importance of technical and vocational educational training, and equipping young people with the skills they need for the future. Jake Wilkins, ServiceNow Administrator, joins the podcast to discuss his journey going through the Midlands youth initiative, Digisheds, and subsequently joining Methods in 2020.

Recorded 6th July 2021

Episode 5 | What does Pride mean to me?

June is a month of celebration of the LGBTQ+ communities, attracting millions of people around the world who participate in parades, marches, parties and also protests. In this special episode, the panel discuss ‘what does Pride mean to me?’. From community, celebrating diversity, to being your authentic self, Pride means different things to different people, and we all have reasons to be proud of who we are and how we express that.

Recorded 7th June 2021


Episode 4 | Accessibility

To mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), Methods  ‘Accessibility’ podcast explores the misconceptions surrounding accessibility; after all, we all want to complete a task without encountering a barrier in any form, and therefore accessibility issues impact everyone. The panel discuss how organisations can prioritise accessibility and provide practical examples. There is also a transcript available here.

Recorded 27th April 2021

Episode 3 | Earth Day 2021 : Behaviour change to tackle climate change?

To mark Earth Day 2021, Sarah Tulej (Sustainability Consultant), joins our panelists to talk about how we can use behaviour change to tackle the climate crisis. They discuss how the UK government have used strong messaging during the pandemic to change people’s behaviour, and question why the same can’t be done for climate change. They discuss the importance of public sector organiations making it easy for citizens to make ‘the green choice’, and how companies ‘should’ pay for the impact they have on the planet. An inspiring listen!

Recorded 20th April 2021

Episode 2 | Resilience

To mark International Women’s Day, Alison Palmer, Sarah Rudston and Hannah Pinnock explore the problematic theme of resilience, and what it really means today, given the seismic shifts we’ve experienced as a result of COVID-19. From learning from their own experiences, through to breaking down the perception of how people expect you to be ‘resilient’, how can your actions and behaviours impact your emotional awareness and intelligence?

Recorded 4th March 2021

Episode 1 | The next decade of digital transformation in the public sector

Mark Thompson, Strategy Director at Methods and Professor at Exeter University, joins Hannah Pinnock, Design Strategist, to discuss the Future of Digital Transformation. Looking at the biggest game changers over previous years, and how covid-19 has driven acceleration with increased investment in IT and digital, Mark reflects on spend control, before asking, “is it about just technology, or should we start to think about how we can re-architecture and re-design our services for a cloud based world?”.

Recorded 14th December 2020