Big Data and Analytics

Framework ID: RM6195

9 August 2022 - 8 August 2026


This framework will offer a central route to market for all Big Data & Analytics requirements. By offering a range of buying options and pricing mechanisms, it will enable competitive and agile procurements across a specialist pool of suppliers.

You can procure Methods services through the following Lots: 

Lot 1: Design, Build and Run (Advanced Analytics and Cognitive, and Search and Discovery Services capabilities only)

Provision of ‘design, build and run’ big data and analytics services across one or more of the six defined capabilities: advanced analytics and cognitive, data management and acquisition, data risking, platform services, reporting and dashboards, and search and discovery services.

Lot 2: Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Software

Provision of COTS software specifically for big data and analytics capabilities, available as either on-prem, cloud, or hybrid, across one or more of five defined capabilities – big data management, data mining, risking and science, machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI), reporting & analytics, and search and data discovery.


  • Offers a range of buying options and pricing mechanisms
  • You can filter against the 6 capabilities on lot 1, enabling further competitions to be flexible and agile
  • Use Expression of Interest (EOI) to refine the list of suppliers you invite to further competition on lot 2
  • You can buy support and maintenance through lot 2
  • Includes specific provisions to enable supplier knowledge transfer and help to grow your in-house capabilities and reduce recognised skill gaps
  • Fully compliant with social value and carbon net zero requirements.

How can you buy our services?

Suppliers can be selected by further competition or Direct Award. Please refer to the buyer’s guidance here.

Further information

If you would like more information on how to procure through any of Method’s frameworks, please contact