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Ada Lovelace day – empowering women in STEM careers

By Methods10 October 20231 min read

Ada Lovelace, the pioneering computer programmer, is celebrated for her ground-breaking work in creating a programme for Charles Babbage’s mechanical computer, known as “The Analytical Engine.” This achievement, published in 1843, solidifies her status as a woman ahead of her time.

Ada Lovelace Day isn’t just a tech history lesson, it’s a day to celebrate the countless contributions of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It’s a day to champion diversity and inclusion in these fields, and acknowledge that innovation knows no gender boundaries.

By celebrating Ada Lovelace Day, we:

Inspire Future Innovators

Ada Lovelace’s story encourages young women to pursue careers in STEM, showing them that they too can make significant contributions to these fields.

Highlight Hidden Figures

Ada Lovelace Day sheds light on the often overlooked or underestimated roles that women have played throughout history in advancing science and technology.

Promote Diversity

It reminds us that diverse perspectives and talents are crucial for innovation and progress.

Empower Women in STEM

By celebrating female pioneers, we empower women and pave the way for even more leaders in science, tech, engineering, and maths!


Ada Lovelace Quote


The enduring legacy of Ada Lovelace – Methods podcast that takes a look at the extraordinary life of Ada, discussing how women today can benefit from greater exposure to careers in STEM and develop the employability skills to follow this path.

Starting out in your career? Some of the brilliant women working here at Methods have given their advice for those starting out their careers in technology.